A Few Deferred Action Facts
If you’re a Dreamer, you probably already know these basics, but there are some important differences between The DREAM Act and the recent deferred action executive order. We’d also like to provide you with some basic information about how you might benefit. “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” is already helping immigrants stay in the country they call home, and with the help of an immigration lawyer in Los Angeles, you can navigate the law, and take steps toward a work permit of your own.
D.R.E.A.M: Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors:
The basic principle behind The DREAM Act came to fruition in some respects when the Obama Administration announced deferred action, however, as of this writing The DREAM Act remains a proposal, and not yet the law of the land. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is meant to be a path to a work permit for undocumented immigrants who didn’t choose to enter the USA, and to allow them to be honest and open about their immigration status. It does not, as yet, provide a path to citizenship.
Status of Dreamers’ Parents:
Like many immigration law reforms, and proposals for reform, deferred action prompts Dreamers to ask about lawyers whether their application for deferred action would draw attention to their parents’ status. While only a qualified immigration attorney in Los Angeles can give legal advice on this matter it is important to note that the information in an application for deferred action will not be shared with enforcement agents. That means parents don’t become likelier candidates for removal just because their children applied.
For visas, business immigration, and all other areas of immigration law, Henry Posada is a leading immigration attorney. Call (562)-450-5538, or visit our contact page to consult with him.