Henry A. Posada Keeps Families Together
The United States is a land of opportunity, but often, legal red tape prevents hardworking families from fully realizing everything that this country has to offer. Luckily, Henry A. Posada is the immigration lawyer Los Angeles counts on when it comes to navigating around these barriers and keeping families together.
Securing a work permit can be difficult for non-citizens, even those who have a job and family waiting for them. If you need a work permit in the United States, there is no better lawyer to help guide you through the process than Henry Posada. Si necisita un permiso de trabajo, no hay major abogado para ayudarle a que Henry Posada.
Mr. Posada is unmatched in his ability to navigate the legal framework of the work permit process and a variety of other immigration issues. He is an expert on the deferred action process that was implemented to benefit undocumented youth that deserve temporary relief from deportation. This program has helped young men and women in the United States continue their education and remain amongst friends and family in the country. Yet, even if you quality for this program, it takes the guidance of an expert immigration attorney to ensure that you are granted the deferment you deserve.
The various processes necessary to secure permanent or temporary legal work or residency status can sometimes be long and complicated. But, with the guidance of an experienced attorney and a strong support staff like that of the Law Offices of Henry A. Posada, you or your loved one can find yourselves on the right track to legal work status today. Contact us today for more information at (562)450-5538