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Certified Specialist Immigration and Nationality Law the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization

Skilled Immigration and Criminal Lawyer in Los Angeles

It’s impossible to ignore the fact that the conditions faced by today’s immigrants are more challenging than they’ve been in a very long time. That’s even more the case for immigrants with documentation issues who also may have faced serious legal problems in their past. Fortunately, Henry A. Posada is a skilled and experienced immigration attorney who also works as a respected criminal lawyer Los Angeles residents often turn to. Mr. Posada is known for his ability to apply his comprehensive knowledge of both immigration and criminal law in order to provide the best possible counsel and representation for his clients.

As a widely respected immigration and criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles , Mr. Posada is able to employ the full range of options on behalf of clients who wish to continue living and working in the United States despite a history of legal issues. He notes that, while the nationwide attitude towards immigrants has, unfortunately, become significantly more negative in recent times, California law, in particular, offers some important helpful options for immigrants. Post-conviction relief, for example is one highly complex area that has recently been bolstered by some fortuitous changes to the California penal code.

The fact of the matter is that matters of immigration law have never been more of a challenge for both attorneys and their clients, so it makes sense to work with a highly experience immigration attorney who is also a noted Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer. If you are interested in learning more about the services offered at the Law Offices of Henry A. Posada, please contact us today.